miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

The Boston Tea Party

Britain was getting out of money. King GeorgeIII ans Lord Townshend needed to raise money for his government. The government was getting poor and many people were brought into prison because they couldn't pay their debts. King GeorgeIII and Lord Townshend knew the answer to his problem.The colonist were supported with soldiers, supplies and livelihood so they neede to tax them things so they could have money. They taxed glass, lead, paper, paint and tea that were shipped to the colonies.
The colonists were dissatisfied with this new law. So they make a plan to stop using all these materials so the tax was removed. In 1770 their plan worked very good and all the taxes were repealed all except the tea tax.
Colonists started smuggling danish tea but the company of britain tea realize it and removed the danish tea. In 1773, the company of britain tea sent a ship, loaded with britain tea, to the boston harbor. In the night a group of colonists disguised themselves as indians and enter the ships and threw away the tea. When the King and parliament knew about this they got very angry.

The Boston Massacre

In the early to mid 1700's Britain sen governos to rule the colonies in America. The governor of the place made laws with the approval of the king of England. The king send soldiers to verify that the rules were followed. In 1765 the parliament made a law so that the colonists could make their houses available to the soldiers. The colonists weren't happy with this law.
The soldiers also didn't liked this law because they were far away from their families and their pay was not really good. The soldiers started looking for other jobs so they could have some money, but the good jobs were already taken by the colonists.
In March of 1770 one soldier was looking for job and he enter a public house were some colonists were drinking for a while.When they saw the soldier they light up and angrily all the mob of colonists followed the soldier yelling at him and throwing him snowballs. He refuged in his encapement where other eight soldiers and the captain went and helped him. The captain order all soldier to hold their fire but one was so afraid that he accidentally fired a shot that was followed by more shots. When peace came back they realized there were 5 colonist dead.

All the soldiers were taken into custody. They were charged with murder; But a lawyer named John Adams realized that this wasn't fair.He made a persuasive speak and made people to see that this murders were just a self-defense act against the mob.As a result the charge was dismissed to all soldiers except for two but this time was not a murder charge, instead it was a charge of manslaughter. These 2 soldiers were marked with a brand placed on their fingers so anyone that saw them knew that they had made a crime.

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Townshend Acts

were a series of acts passed at the begginig of 1767 by the Parliament of Great Britain. The acts are named after Charles Townshend because he was the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who proposed the program. Historians vary slightly in which acts they include under the heading "Townshend Acts", but five laws are frequently mentioned: the Revenue Act of 1767, the Indemnity Act, the Commissioners of Customs Act, the Vice Admiralty Court Act, and the New York Restraining Act.

The American Revolution

The American Revolution was a political disorder in which the thirteen colonies of norht america bond together and become free from the british empire and became the United Stases of America; happening this at the second half of 18th century.The revolutionary era began in 1763, when the French military threat to British North American colonies ended.